Alexander Wall
"...the performance was as fresh and exciting as the first performance must have been to that Viennese audience"

Study trip to USA

Published: 13th January 2014

Alexander to work with tenor Michael Trimble

 I am delighted to announce that I will be spending the whole month of April working with world renowned vocal master Michael Trimble. We will work daily, and I'll be immersing myself in his knowledge and expertise. Mr Trimble has taught and guided many of his pupils to great successes in the major opera houses of the world, including The Metropolitan Opera, Covent Garden, and La Scala. He had a successful career in the 60's & 70's and studied with some of the greats of opera, amongst them Richard Tucker and Helge Roswaenge. You can learn more about him here:  This is something I have been planning for a while, so to have the time available to make this happen is a dream come true!

Copyright Alexander Wall 2011-2021